Holbeach & District Wildfowlers Association Latest News

The clay shoot was won this year by Ivan Foster with a score of 30 x 50 three people had scores of 29 with the rest close behind. the Junior cup was won with a score of 20 shooting with a four/ten by Danny Griggs. 18 gun turned out thank you for your support

R.A.F. Cup
The R.A.F. Air Weapons Range, Cup for services to Wildfowling and conservation was Awarded to Sir, John Hayes M.P. for his assistance with our problems with Natura England regarding our concents
Update regarding purchasing day tickets for earith washes
Please note John Savage has now retired, so please do not contact John.
The online booking system is now available (01-08-23)
earithwashesgroup.org or Google Earith wash permits
You will need to click on the link on the page or via google,it will take you to the earith page and you will be asked to join and become a member-YOU CAN NOT book day tickets until you have been approved.
Once approved and you wish to shoot Earith washes then just visit the Earith website and fill in the relevent information and pay the fee.you will then receive an conformation email which will contain your ticket number,Please print your ticket.(should you be asked to produce it).
You must complete the online bag return form within 7 days--No bag return no more tickets. No more than 4 tickets can be held at anytime. Tickets only become available 1 month prior to the actual date.when booking tickets you will notice on each daily square between the date and the green disc each disk denoting a ticket sold--No discs means 6 tickets available 6 green disks means all tickets sold.
The padlock code for the access road will be on the ticket,the code is changed annually.
- Permits are non transferable
- Club Membership cards must be carried at all times,and produced on demand.
- Do not park so as to obstructthe entrance gate at Earith Sluice.
- All litter and cartridge casesto be picked up.
- Guns must be in the slips whilst walking on the access road.
- Do not touch or interfere the cranbrook drain sluice
- No wildfowl shall be offered for sale.
- All hides shall be removed at the end of shooting.
- No access to the shooting area other than on days when a valid permit has been issued.
- Bag returns must be submitted within 7 days of shooting.
- No more than 4 tickets can be held at anyone time.
- Once booked tickets are non refundable.
- You are only permitted to shoot wildfowl (Nothing else)
Please be considerate to other permit holders when shooting,Allow sufficient space so you can enjoy your shooting.
The access track and gate are used by others so please drive and park respectfully.
If you have an issue then please contact us.
Aluminium box by Merlin products 85cm {w} x 71cm{h} x 83cm {d} £200 O.V.N.O.
Contact, John Harlow on 07979032697 For more Information

We have put a plaque Commemerating Walter Cook and Laurence Thompson {founder members } and both past presidents of the club on the Presidents seat at shepwhite,s
- Full Member £125.00
- Junior FREE
- Associate Member £105.00
- Senior Citizen £105.00
- Day Ticket £15.00
- Earith wash Day ticket £10 per day (Members only)

We have placed a memorial plaque on the President"s seat at Shep White"s on behalf of Grahams family.He was a long standing member and committee member

Duck Nesting Tubes 2
We put out a batch of duck nest tubes in the spring of 2022 on land abutting the sea wall to try and help the wild breeding mallard. They protected the nests from ground based preditors until the ducklings hatch.They were a big success so we have repaired the ones we could reach { due to high water level} this year 2024 with new straw keeping the total at 20 tubes
day permits
Anyone on a day permit must be accompanied by a club member and be a member of B.A.S.C.
Under 18's join for FREE
Please remember Under 18's can join for FREE. Please contact us for more information or download a membership form from the membership page.